Submit a course, training, or certification on digital accessibility

This form allows you to provide information about courses, training, and certification on digital accessibility to be listed on the WAI website. Information submitted with this form will be publicly available in GitHub.

When you submit the form, we will strive to review and publish your submission within 2-4 weeks depending on the content. You will receive an email when we have reviewed your submission.

If you have questions, please e-mail them to:

Scope – what this course list includes

This Course List includes publicly-available digital accessibility courses in any language, free or paid.

Course List scope details

Courses that will be included on this list are:

  • Specialization, training, and professional certification courses for individuals or organizations
  • Full graduate or undergraduate degree programs focused on digital accessibility
  • Individual courses that are part of a larger graduate or undergraduate program that can be taken without requiring the student to be enrolled in the program

Courses that will not be included in this list are:

  • Courses that are less than 3 hours long
  • Courses that are available only to employees of a specific company, or enrolled students at a university
  • Conference sessions and presentations
  • Courses offered at a conference that cannot be taken without registering for the full conference

About you

We'd like to know who you are, so that we can contact you with questions about your submission. This information will be publicly available but not published on the course list.

About the resource

Provide some information about the course, training, or certification.

Country (Required)

In which country or countries is the provider located?

Provide a brief description of this resource (350 characters maximum).

Please enter only plain text (no HTML). URIs are not linked.

Type of resource (Required)
The course is for (Required)
Audience (Required)
Level (Required) Indicate the level of digital accessibility proficiency required.
Prerequisites For example, accessibility concepts and terminology, W3C Accessibility Standards, basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, etc.
Topics (Required)

For example, accessibility policy and regulations, inclusive design, accessible documents and multimedia, etc.

WAI Curricula on Web Accessibility

WAI Curricula on Web Accessibility is a framework to help you create courses on digital accessibility, or to include accessibility in other courses. WAI Curricula provides a set of learning outcomes, topics and assessment ideas covering accessibility foundations that apply broadly, and specific skills for developers, designers and content authors. See more information about WAI Curricula Modules.

If applicable, indicate the WAI Curricula modules that your resource covers.

Foundation Modules
Developer Modules
Designer Modules
Language (Required)

Indicate in which language or languages this resource is provided.

Format (Required)
Scheduling (Required)

Indicate the attendance requirements for this resource. Choose as many as apply.

Platforms If applicable, indicate on which platforms this resource is provided (for example, which Learning Management System (LMS), Student Management System (SMS), Meeting Platform, etc.)
Accessibility support

If applicable, indicate what accessibility support is provided (see guidance on How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All). Include details in the text box.

General accessibility
Digital accessibility
Handouts, slides, and other electronic material is accessible, including:
Non-digital accessibility
Handouts, slides, and other material in accessible formats, including:

Indicate the estimated amount of time needed to complete this resource (for example, 4 hours, 3 weeks, 6 months, etc.).

Cost (Required)

Indicate the web page containing more information about this resource.

Indicate the web page containing reviews about this resource.

Please indicate the date when the content of this resource was last updated. Consider items such as syllabus, structure, teaching resources, etc.


Indicate when this resource will become available.

If applicable, indicate the date this resource will no longer be available.

Submitting your course, training, or certification

Let us know if you have further comments. This comment will be publicly available but not published on the course list.

When you submit the form, we will strive to review and publish your submission within 2-4 weeks depending on the content. You will receive an email when we have reviewed your submission.

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